Two types of marketing freelancers

If you want to hire someone to help you with Google Analytics on your website, there are two types of freelancers:

 1) People who can report your website metrics

 2) People who can tell you what those numbers mean

An example:

The first freelancer sets up the analytics on the website, creates a report, and tells their client, “Your website received 10,000 visits in July.”

The second person does the same but also tells their client: “Your website received 10,000 visits in July. But here’s the interesting thing… even though this random blog sent us 3% of our visitors, those visitors were 10X more likely to buy. I recommend reaching out to that blog’s owner and seeing if you can collaborate.”

See the difference? 

The first person gives a scientific description; the second tilts that description towards a purpose. The second freelancer can charge higher fees, too.

So maybe you can put a dollar amount on the power of telos.

About the Author

Billy Broas

Billy is the founder of The Five Lightbulbs®.

He got into marketing his late 20's, when he left his career at an engineering company to run his online business. He’s consulted on messaging to top entrepreneurs, including Tiago Forte, Ryan Deiss, and Leila Gharani.

Billy lives in San Diego with his wife, their two children, and an abundance of tasty Mexican food.