Quarantine any new messaging

Become bored with your website? Tired of your Facebook ads? It’s common for business owners to become bored with their messaging — even when it’s working.

A word of advice: Quarantine any new messaging before introducing it to a thriving environment. Make sure it’s good before poisoning the well.

A story this reminds me of…

Back in college, our senior thesis had us set up a 220-gallon saltwater aquarium. It was beautiful and thriving until one day, we grew bored and decided to introduce a blue damsel.

Being total noobs with fish tanks, we didn’t realize you can’t just drop a new fish in a healthy aquarium. I mean, you can, but it’s risky. What if that new fish is sick?

Our blue damsel, in fact, had a parasite that she spread to her friends, and that was the end of our aquarium. Turns out, you’re supposed to put your fish in a “quarantine tank” before releasing it into your ecosystem.

Please, take the same approach with introducing new messaging.

About the Author

Billy Broas

Billy is the founder of The Five Lightbulbs®.

He got into marketing his late 20's, when he left his career at an engineering company to run his online business. He’s consulted on messaging to top entrepreneurs, including Tiago Forte, Ryan Deiss, and Leila Gharani.

Billy lives in San Diego with his wife, their two children, and an abundance of tasty Mexican food.