Ask this question to get better at copywriting

If you want to get better at writing copy, here’s the quickest hack you’ll find. It’s a question to ask yourself the next time you read a sales letter. Actually, ask this question about any marketing material.

  • Sales letter
  • Promotional email
  • Landing page
  • FB Ad
  • Magazine ads
  • Direct mail

When you come across one of these items, here’s the question: “What’s one thing I’d improve about this ad?”

Let’s say you see a killer ad on Facebook. Even though it’s killer, ask yourself, “What’s one thing I’d improve?” You might substitute a word, make the call-to-action more clear, or improve the visuals.

Ask this question, “What’s one thing I’d improve about this ad?,” and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you develop your copywriting savvy.

About the Author

Billy Broas

Billy is the founder of The Five Lightbulbs®.

He got into marketing his late 20's, when he left his career at an engineering company to run his online business. He’s consulted on messaging to top entrepreneurs, including Tiago Forte, Ryan Deiss, and Leila Gharani.

Billy lives in San Diego with his wife, their two children, and an abundance of tasty Mexican food.