Garf’s Law of Work

“Billy, this is the most important lesson you’ll learn over these next 12 months. So pay attention.”

I had just hired my copywriting coach, David Garfinkel, and couldn’t be more excited. When I researched him, I saw he was widely regarded as the best copywriting coach in the world.

All the testimonials on his website were names I knew. Legends.

So you can understand why when he spoke, I listened. He went on…

“I call this Garfinkel’s Law of Work,” he said.

“It goes like this: He who does the work gets paid.

“Huh?” I thought to myself. “The heck does that mean?”

He continued…

“If you, as the copywriter, do the work for the reader….. meaning, if you do the work explaining what you have to offer, what it can do for the reader, and why they should choose you over a competitor… then you get paid. You get paid in the form of the reader taking out their credit card and paying you for your product.”

“But, if they have to do the work….

If you make your reader connect the dots, they get paid. They get paid in the form of them keeping the money they were going to pay you.”

“Make sense?” Garf asked.

“Makes sense,” I responded.

Garf’s Law has been my companion on every copywriting project since. I’ve never looked at marketing the same way, and hopefully, you won’t either.


About the Author

Billy Broas

Billy is the founder of The Five Lightbulbs®.

He got into marketing his late 20's, when he left his career at an engineering company to run his online business. He’s consulted on messaging to top entrepreneurs, including Tiago Forte, Ryan Deiss, and Leila Gharani.

Billy lives in San Diego with his wife, their two children, and an abundance of tasty Mexican food.