About The Five Lightbulbs

The Five Lightbulbs gives you a better way to write copy and create marketing material.

Your business is fueled by words: the words on your sales page, website, emails, ads, and even the words you say to a prospect on a sales call.

Those words matter.

Imagine each word you publish as a tiny salesperson. Together, those words form a sales army. Your sales army is out in the world, working for you. Are your words doing their job? Are they bringing you clients and customers? Or are they failing?

The Five Lightbulbs gives you messaging that goes into the world and returns with your perfect customers.

Where to start?

If you need higher-converting sales pages, websites, emails, ads, or ads -- we've got you.

The best place to start is by learning The Five Lightbulbs framework. That will get you speaking the language. Learning the framework is 100% free. We don't give you four Lightbulbs and charge for the fifth.

Billy also now uses The Five Lightbulbs in all his work in the marketing trenches. If you want to learn how Billy uses The Five Lightbulbs for clients, and follow his same system in your business, take his DIY online course.

Important: You're required to read Simple Marketing for Smart People before you enroll in the course.

Finally, Billy takes 1-on-1 clients on a limited basis. Inquire here.

About Billy

I'm Billy Broas, the creator of The Five Lightbulbs.

The framework was born out of necessity. While working with clients and helping them with marketing, I saw a need for a smarter, simpler approach. 

My background is not in sales and marketing. I graduated college with a degree in science and technology and then spent seven years in the energy industry. I only learned marketing and copywriting because I wanted to leave that career to do my own thing.

The Five Lightbulbs was created as a solution for people like me: non-marketers tasked with marketing their products and services. Today, the framework is used by people at all experience levels, from brick-and-mortar business owners to professional copywriters.

 Yes, marketing is hard, but The Five Lightbulbs makes it easier.

Good luck on your journey.

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Rooting for you,
